East Bank Ground Breaking
On Thursday, April 14, 2022, J.C. Hart Company joined Republic Development, the Mayor of Noblesville - Chris Jensen, and other city leaders to officially break ground on J.C. Hart’s upcoming East Bank Riverside Apartments. A crowd of about 50 gathered to celebrate this project that will add 219 luxury apartments and 5,300 square feet of prime retail space along the White River and Conner Street, just west of the Noblesville, Indiana town square. This is the fourth joint venture with Republic Development, which has teamed with J.C. Hart in the past on such projects as Linden Square Village in Avon, Indiana (built in two phases), District at Saxony and Saxony Beachside, a two-phase community built in Fishers, Indiana, and SOMO Flats, which was recently completed in Sylvania, Ohio.
At the groundbreaking, Mayor Chris Jensen said, “Our goal every single day is to add vibrancy to downtown, to support our small-business owners downtown, to support our merchants in downtown, to keep them open. We know strong communities have residents living in their downtown cores that are ready to shop in their downtown core, to eat in their downtown core, and to work in their downtown core. So, these new projects, contrary to what you may hear at times, are designed to add value to the downtown, not take anything away.” The East Bank project has been in J.C. Hart’s and the town of Noblesville’s pipeline for over 6 years, and it is exciting to see it finally coming to fruition.